Fen Psychotherapy & Counselling
Registered Psychotherapist
Registered Social Worker
Partnered Doctors and Nurse Practitioner
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Serving residents in Ontario with in person and virtual service
Treat Children, Parent-child, Adolescents, Adults, LGBTQ
Individual, Couple, Family and Group Psychotherapy
Office(Telephone/Text Message)
Fax: 647-255-2240
Email:info@fentherapy.com (Recommeded)
Fen Xing
M.S.W., R.S.W., R.P.
Clinical Supervisor
Registered Psychotherapist
Registered Social Worker
Marriage and Family Therapist
Fen Xing is a Registered Social Worker (OCSWSSW) and Registered Psychotherapist in the Province of Ontario (CRPO). She is certified Emotional Focused Therapist with ICEEFT and an approved practicum supervisor with Yorkville University and founder at Fen Psychotherapy & Counselling.
Fen has years of experience providing psychotherapy to people from different backgrounds. She specializes in providing psychotherapy service to clients experiencing emotional difficulties,such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic disorder issues. Her passion is also to help couple and families to reduce their conflict and increase their family harmony.
Her clinical approach integrates different models, such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Trauma-informed, Mindfulness, Clinical Hypnosis, Emotionally Focused Therapy.
Fen is fluent in English and Mandarin, limited working proficiency in Cantonese.