Fen Psychotherapy & Counselling
Registered Psychotherapist
Registered Social Worker
Partnered Doctors and Nurse Practitioner
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Culturally and Linguistically
Serving residents in Ontario with in person and virtual service
Treat Children, Parent-child, Adolescents, Adults, LGBTQ
Individual, Couple, Family and Group Psychotherapy
Office(Telephone/Text Message)
Fax: 647-255-2240
Email:info@fentherapy.com (Recommeded)
New: Ottawa Office (Appointment Only)
356 Woodroffe Ave.,Suite 201, Ottawa, ON K2A3V6
Toronto Office (Appointment Only)
15 Wellesley St W, Suit 201, Toronto, ON M4Y 0G7
Scarborough Office (Appointment Only)
10 Milner Business Court, Suit 300, Scarborough, ON M1B 3C6
North York Office (Appointment Only)
205 Placer Court, Suit 224, North York, ON M2H 0A9
Markham Office (Appointment Only)
15 Allstate Parkway, Suit 672, Markham, ON L3R 5B4